Drinks international: the trendiest rum brands in 2024

Drinks International magazine has unveiled its top 10 most trendy rums in mixology. Plantation rums take the lead!

Plantation Rum

There are some changes this year, with Diplomático losing the top spot to Plantation and moving up to 3rd place. Bacardi remains in second place.

Appleton Estate moves up from 7th to 4th place in the space of a year. Havana Club, Black Tears and Zacapa are back in the rankings. Santa Teresa and Takamaka join for the first time.

On the release front, Matusalem, Foursquare, Angostura, Smith & Cross and Wray & Nephew are no longer in the top 10.

The top 10 trendiest rums in 2024

1. Plantation
2. Bacardi
3. Diplomático
4. Appleton Estate
5. Flor de Cana
6. Black Tears
7. Zacapa
8. Santa Teresa
9. Takamaka
10. Havana Club

The top 10 trendiest rums in 2023 :

1. Diplomático
2. Bacardi
3. Plantation
4. Matusalem
5. Foursquare
6. Flor de Cana
7. Appleton Estate
8. Smith & Cross
9. Wray & Nephew
10. Angostura