“Ron de Jeremy” becomes “Hell or High Water”

“Ron de Jeremy” is renamed “Hell or High Water.” Following the serious allegations leveled against Ron Jeremy, the company One Eyed Spirits decided to terminate the commercial agreement that bound them in August 2020.

Hell or High Water

Since June 2020, the actor Ron Jeremy is in prison for serious facts (read the article of August 31, 2020 in Le Parisien). With the commercial agreement no longer in force, Olli Hietalahti, co-founder of “One Eyed Spirits,” and his colleagues decided to launch a new brand called “Hell or High Water.”

This expression, familiar in the United States, indicates that something must be done “come Hell or high water”, literally “even if hell or high water should fall upon us”. “We simply refuse to give up. We are entrepreneurs and we love the rum business.

So we have created a new brand, whose heart and soul reflect our journey from one event to the next. You fall 7 times, you get up 8 times”, as Olli explains. The name and the graphic identity changed but not the rums, three references make up the range.

Hell or High Water


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